
In case you were wondering...

Hello World

Hi there!

I work for a startup in Melbourne - as the first employee - an application developer.

I was attempting to Google my way through some of the brick walls I've flung myself up against with not much luck, so - just in case you were wondering - here lies the learnings of my (many) mistakes.

Of all the games I could choose to play in life, I'm not too attached to the money one (still want some, of course), I'm more inclined to create software. For now anyway. So I'm not starting my own startup, I'll just hop about designing applications for cool people.

( edit - I do GoLang on Debian and Docker now ) What I do is write PHP/MySql applications on Ubuntu. I design the database architecture and... Everything except the pretty stuff, I have another guy who does that way better.

So... Stay tuned in for some tech stuff and some personal stuff for techs.