
In case you were wondering...

Forcing myself to learn RoR

I don't want to learn Ruby on Rails.

I have no really good reasons why not. I don't really have that much time, but that's just an excuse. Right now I could be learning it, but I just sidetracked myself to write a blog post about what I should be doing.

I already know PHP (And Symfony2), .NET (And ASP.NET), Node.js (And Express) and a little Python (And Django) so why bother with Ruby (And RoR)? (Oh... I might look at Java later... but that's just annoying)

Right now, if I build a new web project from scratch, the logic will probably be 90% client side Javascript with some form of link to a server side database. That database will... you know... need an interface or something for the browser to access it. And that's really all the server side language needs to do (and security + static files. Big whoop). It's probably going to use socket.io for data synchronisation so that data can magically update itself live (Oh, how my clients still think ajax is magical! Get a load of SOCKETS!) which means node.js, really. I'm going to need coffeescript and LESS compilers

  • node.js will do nicely there. (Oh crud - I forgot this means I have to learn SASS as well).

I just don't need another server-side MVC language... The tutorial is awesome, but I'm building a REST-full-ish MVC app. That's so 2010. And PHP (Symfony) already does it quite well (OMG type casting. I'm a monster).

But I'm learning it anyway because there's nothing like learning a new language. And you never know what project it might be good for sometime in the future.

One last rant: "Jump off a cliff. If you have a bungee cord attached." I don't like it one bit. If this Then that. It works, it makes sense, it's easy to read, why screw with it.

Anyway. Back to it.

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